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Supplementation of lipid-based nutrient supplements during the significant 1000-day period, including the prenatal phase and the first 2 years af...

Supplementation with probiotics, myo-inositol, and additional micronutrients before conception and during pregnancy can decrease the occurrence o...

Administering 800 IU/day of vitamin D3 improves 25OHD levels in overweight/obese pregnant women, but exhibits no impact on lipid profiles or preg...

Giving taxanes during gestation seems to be safe after the first trimester, as maternal and fetal outcomes are comparable to those of the general...

A balanced diet and iron-folic acid along with quality antenatal care services for 90 days can help curb pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in pregnant wome...

Magnesium supplementation appears to offer potential efficacy in tackling gestational diabetes without necessitating insulin treatment.

A VAS cut-off at seven points indicates a diminished quality of life among endometriosis-affected patients.

Lamotrigine-Levetiracetam duotherapy is associated with a lower risk of birth defects compared to Valproate monotherapy for epilepsy treatment du...

Ambient temperature plays a crucial role in hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, especially preeclampsia or eclampsia, with bidirectional effects...

High-dose antioxidant nutrients, particularly Vitamin D3 supplementation, can have a beneficial impact on men with infertility and obesity.

Maternal intake influences key elements in breast milk, including DHA, EPA, vitamins A, E, K, iodine, and selenium. 
